SIT with Brian "Beam" Maue, PhD, CSAF Strategic Studies Group, 15 July 1400 EDT/1200 MDT

  • Thursday, July 15, 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (MDT)
  • Zoom


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Space Innovation Talks (SIT)


Brian "Beam" Maue, GS-15, PhD

Co-Founder AFWERX

Mr. Maue uses "successful principles from across history, ranging from Silicon Valley to Sun Tzu, I had the good fortune of cofounding and leading the startup years of AFWERX's talented innovators from our 2017 inception until our 2020 ranking as the #16 Best Workplace for Innovators in the world* (*Fast Company’s evaluation of 865 organizations in 2020).

Achieving innovation success--or any quest for success--may be challenging, but it is not random. You can stack the odds in your favor. Many of AFWERX’s success-stacking approaches were harmoniously synthesized and applied within a new framework that I developed while guiding our evolution. This framework is known as the Factors Linking Organizational Will (FLOW) model, and I share insights on FLOW and The Will through postings here on LinkedIn, as well as in the book THE EXPERIMENT THAT SUCCEEDED: How a government startup beat Amazon, leveraged innovation history, and changed Air Force culture."

We will speak to Dr. Maue about how these approaches can assist in developing the Space Force culture.