Space Warfighter Talks with BGen Mike Adamson,
Director General & Component Commander - Space / Royal Canadian Air Force
Canadian Armed Forces / Government of Canada
Monday, 17 May, 1500-1600 EDT

Director General and Component Commander - Space
Within the RCAF structure, underneath DG Space and DG Air & Space FD there are four black boxes representing the 4 directorates (and all four are staffed by RCN, CA, and RCAF personnel.
Directorate Space Ops & Rdns (DSOR / JFSCC)
DSOR is responsible for Space Force Employment, and through leadership of the Canadian Space Operations Centre (CANSpOC), DSOR is developing a comprehensive and secure Space Command and Control capability, integrated within the existing CAF Command and Control structure. CANSpOC provides Space Domain Awareness and integration of space-enable effects in operations in support of the Canadian Force employers (CJOC, NORAD and SOCCOM). The Sensor System Ops Centre (SSOC) is in North Bay and make the link with our Sapphire satellite.
Directorate Space Strategy and Plans (DSSP)
DSSP is responsible for coordinating joint and combined capabilities and enhanced interoperability with respect to Combined Space Operations, exploiting cooperation/collaboration/integration opportunities and developing a deliberate and sustainable defence space cadre framework in order to generate personnel who possess the knowledge and skills required to effectively meet DND/CAF space objectives.
Directorate Space Coord (DSC)
DSC is responsible for coordination of DG Space administrative efforts in order to ensure the successful expansion of CAF Space capabilities as detailed in SSE.
Directorate Space Requirement (DSR)
DSR is responsible for Space Force Development. DSR develops capabilities along the space pillars of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (Surveillance from Space); Surveillance of Space; and Satellite Communications.
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